Quality Assurance Manager Jobs

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Below we list the Quality Assurance Manager jobs. If you’re interested in a Quality Manager job, please book mark this page and visit back frequently. In addition, this page provides a quality manager position description

Quality Assurance Manager Jobs Description

The Quality Manager is primary responsible for strategic, tactical and operational quality planning. The Quality Manager is responsibility for ensuring that all product shipping to customers meet customer requirements. This responsibility is achieved by giving ultimate acc/rej authority to quality assurance. The Quality Assurance Manager establishes, publishes and maintains policies and procedures relative to the scope of the quality assurance activity.

Quality Assurance Manager usually focus on one division or one location of the company. They report to Quality Directors or Quality VPs. The Quality Assurance Manager oversees Quality Engineers, Inspectors, Quality Assurance Specialist, and all other individuals within the Quality Department. Other individuals may include auditorsdocument controlcalibration, technicians, and process engineer.

Includes an easy to edit Calibration Manual, recommended calibration system, reports and templates.

Calibration Manual

The quality manager job description includes these initiatives. The Quality Manager keeps the QA manual current and revises to satisfies customer needs. The manager ensures employees follow the quality assurance manual. The QA manager understands the QA manual is a living document. As systems change, the manual needs to be updated to reflect these changes.

One of the Quality Assurance Manager jobs promotes keeping departmental procedures current, prevalent, and properly followed.

He / She verifies complete follow through of internal and external customer corrective action. The manager creates teams for the corrective action. The QA proposes actions to complete the corrective action. They may audit the actions. They review the customer corrective responses prior to sending the forms to the customer. They should be familiar with the 8D approach to solving problems. They should also know the 5 why system of solving problems.

The Quality Manager is responsible for quality audits of all types including systems, process and product audits. The Quality Manager reviews these audits and assures the implementation of audit actions.

8D Manager Software with 8D, 9D, 5Y and 4M report generator. Your corrective action software for managing, measuring, and reporting issues.

8D Manager

The Quality Assurance Manager job description should make reference to calibration. The calibration department normally falls under the Quality Assurance umbrella. The QA manager assures calibration system is current and maintained. When equipment fails the calibration check, the Quality Manager must take proactive action to ensure product still meets customer requirements.

Another one of Quality Assurance Manager jobs is to develop inspection procedures and sampling plans. They develop and train inspection staff for receiving, in-process and final inspection.

The Quality Manager constantly pushes and pulls company employees to use continual improvement tools and methods. They encourage all of the workforce to solve problems with data. The QA manager conducts training classes for all facility personnel in quality awareness and statistical methodology. He / she monitors the employees training with training software such as TrainingKeeper.

The Quality Manager may be responsible for developing qualification, environmental, functional and reliability test programs to continually monitor and improve products.

TrainingKeeper Software. Keep, organize and plan all your employees' training and activities. Software includes multi-user support with reports, certs, and calendars.

TrainingKeeper Software

Quality Manager jobs include gathering data and reporting the status of processes and product. This includes CpK studiescontrol charts, pareto charts, and corrective action summaries. Other Quality Assurance Manager tasks

  • Coordinate government and customer quality surveys and audits of facility and product.
  • Assure customer specifications and inspection records are properly maintained.
  • Act as mediator between employees and management for the expression of quality problems and solutions.
  • Vendor quality control through pre-award surveys, vendor surveillance and receiving inspection.
Quality Manager Jobs


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More Info

Quality Assurance Solutions
Robert Broughton
(805) 419-3344
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