Quality Assurance Solutions Blog

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Change Control and Change Management Interview

change control and change management

See QAS interview with a change control and change management expert

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I want a systematic software for capturing and calculating COQ

You have very well explained about COQ. I am a COQ Practitioner

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Starting a Quality Management Department

Hello to everyone with a passion to always improve and learn in life and business. My name’s Gregory and I’m a passionate freelancer in the construction

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Preparation for Internal / external audit

Dear all, I would like to ask how to prepare the agenda for an audit, what kind of questions are generally asked during the audit process, and how to

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Starting a QA program for Service Quality

In my organization, we do not have any standardize process of operation in all our six departments which is causing lots of waste in the system. As a

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How best to convince top managemnt that there is cost incurred for poor quality, quantifying it

Allow QM people view management accounts Explore where most spending goes Determine if there is Pareto use of funds and time or effort in those Check the

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In Veeva QMS, use deviations module or lab investigations module to handle lab investigations?

Hello, Just trying to get a pulse of how the industry handles lab investigations when using Veeva Vault for QMS. There is a deviations module, but there

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How to Track Gauge Pins

Hi everyone I want to know if there is a way, to track gauge pins, the company has hundreds of pins but we have the problem that nobody bring them back

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Out of Box Software Validation

For a software system that is used out of the box, no alterations (like office 365), is it necessary to have validation documentation for this?

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Sample selection for inspection

Hello, This is regarding the incoming sampling inspection. We use ISO 2859 tables to select the sampling plan at the incoming stage. Suppose we have

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Integration testing vs system management

Hi everyone, I have been working as QA engineer for a few years now, but recently I have received a request that made me wonder if this falls under QA

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Quantitative Force Field Analysis

Background: Force-Field Analysis is a well-known, but little used, quality management & planning tool. The limitation of its usage may due to its lack

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ESD Test sign in log not followed for 2 weeks because of construction work

Hello, I am new to this site and have a situation that I just found out about. We are an ISO 9001 compliant company and I just started work 2 weeks ago.

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Certificate of Complaince

Dear collaques, I want to ask a question for certificate of complaince. I know for certificate of analysis, some lab test need to be performed. But how

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Community Driven Business


Community driven businesses are perfect for new entrepreneurs because there are so many mutual benefits involved.

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Lean vs Agile


Lean vs Agile: Which process methodology is best for your industry?

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What is a Financial Projection


What is a financial projection? It's a forecast of your organization’s fiscal future. It includes the three listed items.

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Free Time Management Tips


Free time management tips. Explore 10 key elements which focuses on organizing, planning, and eliminating time wasting activities.

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ISO 9001 2015 QMS Implementation Tips


Implementing ISO 9001 2015 QMS Key Tips and Help

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Quality Audit Checklist is Necessary for QA Audits


The quality audit checklist is a key element of the quality audit. Quality audits are necessary for ISO 9001, the QA program and continuous improvement.

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How to Survive a Pandemic


How to survive a pandemic, tips for small businesses

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Learn CCC Results and CCC Definition


Do you know the CCC result method and defintion? Another great tool that drives continuous improvement within your company

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The Interaction Process Analysis and Process Improvement


Examine the key elements of interaction process analysis flow which is a key process improvement method. This significantly supports lean implementation.

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Types of Marketing Strategy


How to use different types of marketing strategy to benefit your business.

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Business Meeting Agenda Format


Review how to drive business meetings with this business meeting agenda format. Article includes guidelines, aim, ground rules, agenda, and feedback. In addition, you can download a free meeting notes template

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Business Performance Software and Tips to Improving


Keys to using business performance software to improve your company's efficency and effectiveness

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Productivity Improvement Tips


Productivity improvement tips. See how auditing, CCC, BCS, Workflows and PDCA Complete improves productivity.

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Small Business Management Consulting


Learn about a special tool, PDCA Complete, for small business management consulting. See how consultants use it to deliver high value to their customers.

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Business Process Map


Get Real About Your Business Process Map. If You Really Want To Improve Here are 3 Tips

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Kanban Simplified


Kanban is a Japanese word that means card or signal. This is an important tool for improving production from a push to a pull system

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All Products

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PDCA Complete

An Organizational Task Management System. Projects, Meetings, Audits & more

8D Manager

Corrective Action Software

TrainingKeeper Software

Plan and Track Training

Snap Sampling Plans!

AQL Inspection Software

QAS Business Slide Deck

450+ Editable Slides with support links


Learn and Train TRIZ

ISO 9001:2015 QA Manual

Editable Template

ISO 9001:2015 QMS Kit

Templates, Guides, QA Manual, Audit Checklists

ISO 14001:2015 EMS Kit

EMS Manual, Procedures, Forms, Examples, Audits, Videos

On-Line Accredited Certifications

Six Sigma, Risk Management, SCRUM

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Software, Videos, Manuals, On-Line Certifications