Change Control and Change Management Interview

change control and change management

An Interview with an Advisor Ministry of Finance working in Change Control and Change Management

What is your job title and what industry do you work in? How many years of experience do you have in this field? How would you describe yourself using only three adjectives?

Advisor Ministry of Finance About 18 years since I was first introduced, but worked in different fields since then I would describe myself as Strategic, Solution focused, and Curious

How would you describe what you do? What does your work entail? Are there any common misunderstandings you want to correct about what you do?

I started out in change control and change management in a project and noticed there were gaps in Quality Assurance, so I volunteered to assist. I facilitate, coordinate, communicate, research, analyse and share information with the team, and sometimes work with a consultant on the project. Often people don't look at the big picture and don't under the consequences of poor quality work. They also underestimate the amount of planning and resources needed to complete a project successfully.

Since many colleagues don't have experience working on projects and never had exposure to quality management, they don't understand why it is important until something goes wrong and they have to start over. SO I am trying to use case studies to show the critical need for proper planning including attention to quality.

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On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your job satisfaction? What might need to change about your job to unleash your full enthusiasm?

Job satisfaction is about a 7 If I could persuade the decision-makers to dedicate more resources to proper implementation of the project, including engaging adequate expertise, then we will have more success than failures, and job satisfaction would improve.

If this job moves your heart, how so? Ever feel like you found your calling or sweet spot in life? If not, what might do it for you?

I have always been passionate about quality and high standards, even before I knew it was a body of knowledge. I hate re-work and don't like to see people wasting their time and money and not achieving the goal. Exposure to quality assurance allowed me to put things into perspective and provided justification for one of my mantras: 'Measure twice, cut once. It could be a calling, even though I don't have formal certification in Quality Assurance, however, in a context where people don't understand the need, it is a bit frustrating.

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How did you get started in this line of work? If you could go back and do it differently, what would you change?

I was selected to work on a project and participated in training in the field. However, Quality Assurance is not common throughout the Public Service. If I could change anything, it would be to pursue a formal certification in the field and seek opportunities outside to the Public Service like some former colleagues did. 

What did you learn the hard way in this job and what happened specifically that led up to this hard-learned lesson?

It is difficult to convince someone to spend time and money on something they don't know that they need such as change control and change management. My recommendations were ignored and objectives were not achieved.

What is the single most important thing you have learned outside of school about the working world?

That people have vastly different approaches to work and achievement of objectives.

What’s the strangest thing that ever happened to you in this job?

A senior manager agreed with something I recommended, but still chose not to implement it. I still don't know why.

Why do you get up and go to work each day? Can you give an example of something that really made you feel good or proud?

I believe I am making a difference in the project, even though it is still at the stage of building awareness. I feel the need to share what I have learned with younger colleagues, as I understand their performance will affect the entire country. I am proud when I convince one of them to sign up for a course of study that will help then to improve how they work.

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What kind of challenges do you handle and what makes you really want to pull your hair out?

It is a challenge trying to put change control and change management systems in place to prevent re-work and improve collaboration between teams. It is disappointing when colleagues pretend that they know what they are doing and ignore warnings about potential problems. Then when something doesn't work out as expected, they start pointing fingers at each other.

What's a rough salary range for the position you hold? Are you paid enough and/or happy living within your means?

It is occasionally stressful when problems arise that could have been prevented. I maintain work-life balance by taking days off to focus on hobbies and self-care.

How much vacation do you take? Is it enough?

20 working days annually. It should be about 30 annually for all the stress and occasional late hours

What education and skills do you need to get hired and succeed in this field?

Ideally it should be a certificate in Quality Assurance, however that is not common in the Public Service as people are not usually hired to do quality assurance alone. It should give you an advantage if you have QA in addition to other qualifications like Project Management.

What would you tell a friend considering your line of work?

Do some market research before spending money on certification, but accept opportunities to learn on the job to see if you like working in the field.

If you could write your own ticket, what would you like to be doing in five years?

Relaxing on the beach and occasionally giving advice to people who are willing to learn change control and change management.

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More Info

Quality Assurance Solutions
Robert Broughton
(805) 419-3344
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