Continuous Quality Improvement Versus Top Management
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I am amazed at how many people have great ideas for continuous quality improvement that are not seeing the light of day because they have not been accepted by management.
This situation exacts a high cost. It lowers morale, lowers employees regard for management, causes problems to continue and thwarts improvements that would profoundly benefit their organization.
We quality professionals can do a lot to turn off executives inadvertently and hurt our chances of selling good ideas.
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But, tell me, have you ever done any of these things or seen others do them:
Demonstrate a lack of business and financial skills. The higher the position, the greater the necessity for global business and financial skills.
Focus too much on techniques. Many quality professionals get so excited about the execution of the methods, they focus on that when speaking to senior managers.
Focus narrowly instead of broadly. If you focus exclusively on improvement ideas that directly concern your department, your perceived value bandwidth will remain quite narrow.
Feel discomfort around senior managers. Sometimes people are just not comfortable around senior managers, for whatever reason.
Be excessively conservative. In the quality profession, we quite appropriately take great care to check, verify and assure every aspect of our own work.
Many quality professionals use kanbans, kaizen, poke yoke and other quality improvement tools when talking with top management. You need to understand the theory. The CEO isn't interested in learning Japanese.
Review a business model template. In addition to the template, you will learn how to create one. We cover important steps and questions to answer when formulating your own business model letter.
The basics of business management planning includes understanding your vision, mission, values, and business model. Then you need to manage the business. This article discusses these and more.
Are you looking for a business model sample? Here is an example of one created for a security business. It covers all the key components you need to create a business model.
A QA Project Plan describes the necessary QA procedures, quality control(QC) activities, and other technical activities that will be implemented for a specific project or program.This article covers all the important elements to create the plan.
Here we provide multiple vision statement examples. This article discusses how to create vision statement and it compares Mission vs Vision statements. Plus, you can freely download a spreadsheet which lets you create your own.
Here is a sample of customer complaint letter. We include 3 free samples of complaint letters. Use these samples to write your consumer complaint letters.
Learn to create company mission statements. Article covers benefits of well written mission statements, it defines mission statement; it covers development, questions to consider, and includes multiple samples of company mission statements.
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