Software Quality Improvements

by Eng elshaymaa nassar

After reading stacey matrix theory to help organizations from falling at chaos areas. His complexity science to keep these society alive.

I noticed that he built his theory on self negotiations, attending as agree and not agree, certain and not certain.

He makes a brainstorm containing all common factors may affect any organization on edge of chaos.

Here, I find software building and databases are best choice to solve problems and itemize barriers and maintain rigid relationships.

But also such huge software need teamwork or may cross_functional teamwork to plan, design, implement, evaluate, monitor, improve. Also, maintain networking and security.

This loop concerns software quality which could be very expensive. So a best practice to use could be agile especially extreme programming methodologies.

The iteration process and breaked features and testing and adaptation on organization will produce empowerment and confidence.

So integration between science and members . Understanding previous and next process is necessary to get through complex area of Stacey to establish new agreement and certainty.

And start again new trouble to improve but using existing pre-built infrastructure.

I hope I could initiate new idea

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