Quality and Ethics

by adib

Do you agree with this statement “quality is good ethics? Discuss

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Quality is Good Ethics
by: Anonymous

Quality appears to be good business. Quality is also good ethics. It is unethical to ship defective products knowingly to customers. Reliable products with low defects reflect an ethical approach of management’s care for its customers. As an example, if someone in the grocery store has to choose between the two leading brands of paper towels one of which is the quicker picker-upper and another is ultra-strong. One of the brands of paper towels is made from 100% recycled materials. The good ethics marketing revolution becomes a problem when companies and advertisers cannot teach us how to differentiate between what is a company with good ethics and what is a company with a quality product. If consumers demand more companies to be ethical and have better quality standards, then this will force the companies to become this way in order to meet their consumers’ demands.

Today, companies are marketing the ethical values of their products that not only meet customers’ needs but also provide health care. Having an ethical rationale for Total quality management and the resulting goals, strategies, and processes can assist organizational leaders as they attempt to train, inform, motivate, and support their employees in the pursuit of these goals and strategies. Comprehension of the ethics of principle, purpose, consequence, and the situation can help organizational members to see the need of Quality and can overcome objections to the implementation of the systems. If quality meet ethical standard it can appeal to principle, purpose, consequence, and the current situation of the organization and higher reputation becomes obvious. Therefore, adding ethical considerations to quality design, quality training be beneficial in gaining company sucess.

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