Presenting ideas right is key to their adoption

This is an important topic. Presenting ideas right is key to their adoption.

I would suggest that Step 5 be moved before Step 4 and changed to "Know your organization's goals".

After knowing the organization's goals the quality improvement person can focus on developing relevant ideas that are likely to look nice in the eyes of Management (assuming that Management is interested in the organization's success ;).

I would suggest changing Step 7 from "Dollarize your suggestion" to "Quantify your suggestion if possible or show its value in achieving organization's goals". Of course dollarizing the suggestion is the best option and necessary in Six Sigma but it requires access to financial and costing data that may not be available to the person who has the good idea.

Alternatively, he can quantify the idea's benefit in terms of other metrics like the number of satisfied customers.

Some ideas also have intangible benefits that are hard to quantify like improving employee morale or encouraging innovation.

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satisfied customers
by: Anonymous

Hi there :

You said
I would suggest changing Step 7 from "Dollarize your suggestion" to "Quantify your suggestion if possible or show its value in achieving organization's goals".

I can't agree with you , what is the importance of satisfied customers to the management .

The importance is satisfied customers = $$ , if i can't demonstrate it , nothing gonna happen :)

by: Susan

Well, I couldn’t find out the steps that you were pointing out here and was there any link attached to this article, which I think is not available at the moment. I would love to read more on this topic and hence it would so kind of you to share one.

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