Business Management
Building Good Employees

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business management employee leadership

One of the most important aspect of QA business management is choosing the type of employee to work for you.

Most QA Managers will tell you they want "good employees"

"Good" usually means:

  • They show up (or at least call when they're faking being sick).
  • They don't cause (more than their "fair share") problems.
  • They're productive (or at least they "fake it" well enough for you to look the other way)

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What's Your raison d'être? Are you a slave to your employees?

Ask yourself, "What are some more traits of good employees and team members?"

What does this have to do with business management jobs? Everything.

As someone in charge or at least with some influence on hiring and firing decisions, you must have a very precise profile in mind before you ever start looking for employees.

Then you should find the most profitable employee you can find.

Too many businesses exist without a raison d'être. . . A reason for being. What's more, they manage employees who have no reason for existing (at least in a work capacity either).

This may sound harsh, but to effectively manage a team or business you need to take the kid gloves off. You must identify why your team, you, and your team members exist in the first place.

If you said "businesses exist to employee people," you're fired.

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8D Manager

Can You Manage People Locked in a Cage?

Boiled down, business management means determining your needs, building your team, assigning responsibilities, gauging effectiveness, and ultimately holding the "right people" responsible for the results.

You must determine how things are to be done, or else. . .

. . . you'll have the inmates running the cell block.

No vapid boring employee manuals, we're talking nuts and bolts greasy information

If you demand your employees tie their shoes a certain way (you're a little weird) you make that clear, but you show them how you expect their shoes to be tied, then you hold them accountable.

If you're serious about business management for maximum profit, you cannot tolerate unacceptable behavior.

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Here's proof You Better Set the Rules Early or Your Team Will Do It For You

Early in my career, I was working for one of the largest providers of lawn care in the country.

I started with this company at the same time as another kid, he was 19 or 20.

Well this kid set the entire sales floor on fire. Within a week he out sold the best salesman on the floor by nearly 2 to 1. A month after his hiring, he brought in more business in a week than me in over a month.

Everyone, including our sales manager, was really in awe of this sales wonderkid.

But, unfortunately bad habits started to show.  He couldn't make it to work on time or at all. When not selling, he past time on the phone with his girlfriend. Since he brought in so much business, the boss overlooked his tardiness, rudeness, and absenteeism.

After all, he made our sales manager look like a genius. We were far and away the highest producing sales team in the entire national organization (thanks much in part to this kid). . .

. . . this went on for four months. All the while the lateness and absences continued. As you can guess, the general moral on the team waned.

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Never Accept the Unacceptable

Left and right, senior management layed off salespeople for not meeting their sales quotas. This kid held on because he really only needed to work a couple of hours to hit his quota for the week.

But all around him chaos ensured. People started coming in late; one guy came in wearing shorts; some folks stopped showing up at all.

Needless to say, we were no longer the #1 sales team in the country! By this point, the sales manager had the brass breathing down his neck and a full-blown sales team mutiny on his hands.

Just by looking the other way from one star employee's unacceptable behavior, senior management reassigned (somewhere in Siberia I think) my sales manager to sell lawn care somewhere else , and the star employee ended up going to jail for stealing a car.

What was the final outcome? I don't know, I quit long before that forth month was up. I knew I didn't want to be part of that dysfunctional organization.

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Business management is a slippery slope.

After all managers are people too. They have the same desire to be liked by the people they work with as well. So often they accept the unacceptable from their employees. Don't let the inmates run the prison.



Awesome article. I have heard businesses exist to make a profit. But is that all? Profit, money "to buy a loaf of bread" must be part of a surviving business assuredly. I have also heard money, however, is not the best motivator. Within us is the desire and even need to work, to create; to make order from chaos. It not only puts bread on the table (usually) but satisfies something within us when we give our best.

More Info

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    The Stockdale Paradox an idea developed by Jim Collins in his book Good To Great. Realists live and optimists die, in life and business.

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  • Building a successful team is about instilling servant leadership at the core of your organization.

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    Building a successful team is about instilling servant leadership at the core of your organization.

  • Reframing is a process that helps you find value and find answers from within the core of your team or organization.

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    Reframing is a process that helps you find value and find answers from within the core of your team or organization.

  • The law of recruiting better employees is simple.  So...why do businesses hire the wrong people?

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    The law of recruiting better employees is simple. So...why do businesses hire the wrong people?

Quality Assurance Solutions
Robert Broughton
(805) 419-3344
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