Balance score card

by Lugodhi

I am working for an airline call centre.
My company is busy with balance score card and as a cal centre team leader i have to participate but i have less information.

please assist me with the below questios:
1.That are the OBJECTIVES/MEASUREMENTS/INITIVIE to provides consistent service excellence?

2.How to build a positive and visible corporate image?
objective/measurement /initives to improve accebeilities to company services?
Objectives/measurement/initiatives to ipmrove stakeholder reation?
objectives/measure/initiatives to improve customer relations?

i will be very happy to hear from you soon.

thanks very much.


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I will but after bit of time
by: Anonymous

Dear Lugodhi,

I will solve i have little knowledge about this kind of bussiness. But i want sometime to solve these questions due to work pressure.

Best Regards,

Mian Zeb

Objective: Services excellence
by: Majid Khan

1.That are the OBJECTIVES/MEASUREMENTS/INITIVIE to provides consistent service excellence?
Ans: Objective: Services excellence
Initivie : Get a stop watch for action related to achivements.
Be graceful and honest with customer
Be smily every time in talking with customer, you will be a brand in ur org
Always say yes if not then use if i do in tHis way then how it would be

Measurements: Always measure the expected time during work with the spent time of actual
Customer informal behaviour ( How their behaviour toward you, +ve or -Ve expression or just usual)
How much your " if i do in this way "delight your customer or irritate
Their time of talk of expanding in which mode +ve or -ve

2.How to build a positive and visible corporate image?
objective/measurement /initives
Ans: Objective : To provide services in excellence way that perceive as compatative advantage
Initives: To provide free complaint services
Take corrective action but in graceful way
Motivate employees to lead if any
Dont criticize employees for personnel faults but think what the fault was done (opportunity)
Get three paper analysis on the services that how our services can be improved with recomandation every month
Discuss with every employee in the leisure time
If you dont agree with them, then say it was a good analysis we will see
Dont degrade them in their eyes or in other
Retain the best and always choose the fresh graduates that have no experience for work coz they always want to prove them selves and you can easily shape their behaviour according what you need.

Measurements: Compare with the top company people (Benchmark)
Count the number of faults
No of complaints
Customer satisfaction/Desatisfaction

Objective: Services excellence 2
by: Majid Khan to improve accebeilities to company services?

Objective: Customer Relation and their satisfaction
Initivie: Initiatives: Provide the website and advertise through SMS marketing
Formation of Information Cell ( SMS marketing)
Deal with the mobile companies
Accept order and receipt through web
Do quick response even you know it is not a sale transaction to ipmrove stakeholder reation?
Answer:All the above three answer if fulfilled then it automatically increase stakholder relation to improve customer relations?

Ans: third question is totally applied to this as well

Majid khan
From Pakistan
Student of MBA

balance score card(BSC) in the manufacturing industry
by: Everlyne

Hi Yasser,

Thanks for attempting me with this quiz on BSC but unfortunately I am also quite needy in that area apart from the fact that I know very little about call centres. I am quite concentrated on manufcaturing field. I would highly appreciate if you could flag this bit of balance score card(BSC) in the manufacturing industry aspects for me to learn more from the members too. thanks alot

Everlyne- Kenya

Balance score card resource
by: Yasser

Thanks for all who try to help, just wanna say in case you didn't read this page, please read now
here; and if you still need more help , submit your question here

by: basil

I don’t know much about balance score card. But when I have heard about that, I wanted to know more on it. So could you please help me to understand a brief about the term balance score card? Waiting for your reply!

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